Since I was Banded

Welcome To My Weight Loss Journey

Hi my fellow friends and viewers. I'm glad you can make it. Come on in, view my profile and become a supporter throughout my journey. I will all the support I can get. Make sure you become a follower. Thanks again. Your comments and advice is appreciated.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Official Weight Today

 Hi Everyone, I went to the doctor today for my check up. They was very happy with my weight loss progress. I got on the scale hoping it didn't read anything higher than mine at home. Now My Official Weigh in at the doctors office was 216.5 lbs Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm satisfied with that. I received a 0.5cc fill a total of 4.5cc. Was hoping for 1cc but it didn't happen. My goal is to work out more because September I was a slacker. I should have did more exercise but I didn't. I have to focus on the present and not the past. Now I'm supposed to be on a liquid diet for 2 days. I said suppose because I had 3 crackers. I tried a protein shot today for the 1st time. It wasn't so bad it was a punch flavor. I want to go to the gym tomorrow. I NEED to start some toning exercise. Well, I had to share that information; Because good news is music to my ears. Again I want to thank all of you for your lovely comments. They mean sooooo much to me. Your comments and knowing someone is keeping up with my progress helps me stay motivated. So, I say to you keep up the good work. Keep those comments and questions coming. Please pass my blog on. Until next time. 


  1. Great job!!
    I need to get into the gym too....right there with ya!!

  2. That is awesome! You are really rocking the band! Keep it up.
